I was originally suppose to have my baby boy on June 13th but that didn't happen. He was born on June 4th. So this is what happend. On my 7th month on being pregnant I told the doctor I kept getting itchy all over my body. Like horrible bad itching. As if I have been rolling around grass all day and a mix of chicken pox itch. He then checked my iron and also checked if I could possibly have preclamsia. He then found out I was diagnosed with low iron. Which is also known as anemia. Most pregnant woman get anemia. I think it was 9 out of 10 woman on what to expects rating. After that happen my doctor said they would have to monitor the baby and I. So I had to start going to my hospital where I'm going to diliver to get diagnosed. On my first appointment I let my father know I was going to his job to be diagnosed because he works on soiled linens management.
My appointment was at 11:30am. I had asked Melvin which is my soon to be husband if he could acompany me there. He agreed and we both went. I then got there and signed in with the nurses. After they took me behind a ceirtain and had me lay down on the bed they had done for me. There were many machines behind the ceirtain with alot of wires coming out. I have to admit I was kind of scared at first. Then one lady that was attending me explain to me what was going to happen from now on till my dilivery. I was given a spandex belt with two belts which held two devices that are suppose to monitor the heartbeat and rate also kicks that occur and even contractions. She said my only homework was to not forget the belt in every visit I have there. They had me lay on the bed for a good 20 minutes. After I was cleared on the first part. They moved me to another ceirtain. They said if I came with some so they can acompany me. They then after brought in Melvin in the next ceirtain. The nurse started applying gunk on my tummy to start the ultrasound. She then told me the next part to pass is the ultrasound which will be checking the liquid in the placenta and the placenta size.
On June 3rd I had an appointment. I checked in and layed on the bed. They checked my blood pressure like they always do and it was 147 over 80 which they told me that was not a good thing. They then did the rest of the tests and said if I continue to be high in my blood pressure that they would have to send me to treoge which is labor and dilivery observation. I continued to have a high blood pressure so I had to be admitted. They then had me strip down to a robe. They send a doctor and had me draw blood to be sure nothing was wrong. I think let the doctor know I was already concerned that my kick count( you count ten kicks and has to be under five minutes) has been off. He then got concerned for the babies safety. He checked the condition of the baby and he realized I was already 3 centemeters open! He said he couldn't risk me leaving and would have to induce labor. Melvin was excited as I was too except the date! My b-day is June 6th! I knew my bday would be forgotten.
I was later admitted into the hospital and had melvin get my bag I had thankfully packed ahead of time. He had to go to work again so I understood and said okay and I'd text him when the baby is near. I was later put in a room where they monitored me and put me under drugs to speed up the dilivery. I then got my water bag broken at 7. Which I have to say was painless. It felt like I peed and everytime I laughed more would come out. I still didn't feel any contractions until 11ish 12ish. But it felt like a back pain. I got offered pain killers and I decided to just go with epidural. I have to admit the epidural wasn't as painful as I thought. I even had an accident infront of the technition giving me epidural. I farted. He then said "Wow, I have never had anyone do that!" I then said sorry and he laughed it off.
After that I didn't feel any contrations till 4 in the morning. By that time, my mother, sister, Melvin and his sister Shirley where there. That's when I started feeling it. They waited until I was dialated 9.5 or 10 to have me start pushing. They said I stopped dialating and was closing back. That a c-section might have to be given to me. So they decided to wait one more hour. Luckily, I started pushing already by that time. They came back after an hour and they said I opened up! So they got me ready for the pushing at 7ish. By that time my dad was already at work and he was able to be present during the dilivery. Before I knew it I was pushing for my life! I felt no pain but became so fustrated! That's the only thing that troubled me. But I have to admit. It's only been a week and four days and I'd still do it again. My son was then born at 11:02 am June 4th 2010.
Definitely one of the best memories in a womans life! Still need to meet the little guy! Great blog start!